Welcome to the Washington Bach Consort

The Nation’s Premier Baroque Chorus and Orchestra

Upcoming Events

Brandenburg ConcertosNov 11 2007 3:00P Harman Center for the Arts
Noontime Cantata Dec 4 2007 12:10P Church of the Epiphany
30th Anniversary CelebrationDec 7 2007 6:00PMansion at Strathmore
Christmas OratorioDec 7 2007 8:00P Music Center at Strathmore

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Heading into Anniversary Year on Sound Financial Footing

The Consort has seen a significant increase in both earned and contributed funding in recent years. We posted a surplus in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006 and expect to see a second straight surplus in 2007. This new fiscal oversight, an extensive strategic planning model, and the continued generous support of friends and patrons will allow us to extend our reach and present the music of Bach to more individuals and groups throughout the community.

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